IPApproach offers four affordable patent valuation reports:
- Basic Valuation – Current Market Value plus high & low estimates = $400
- Enhanced Valuation – Base plus detailed Market Analysis & growth projections = $1000
- Comprehensive Valuation = Enhanced plus 2 Evidence of Use Charts = $3000
- Product Patented Technology Valuation – Company Product Market Valuation driven by the business revenues and profits = $3500
Basic Patent Valuation
For just $400, you will receive a report that gives you a current market valuation and provides a low- and high-value estimate for your US issued Patent or published US Application. A senior licensing/patent brokerage expert provides a market approach valuation taking into account several patent value metrics:
- Forward and reverse references
- Remaining life
- Number of claims, length of the independent claims and claim strength
- Market score
- Technology score
- Commercial score
- Foreign counterpart status (optional)
- Average turnaround time of 1 week
Click here for a sample basic patent valuation.
Enhanced Patent Valuation
For $1,000, you receive an expanded report that is written and reviewed by a senior licensing/patent brokerage expert. It provides a detailed analysis that includes all elements in the Base Patent Consultation plus:
- Market analysis & Growth projections
- Current and potential commercial use
- Opinion of the overall patent strength
- Subject Expert Summary
- Foreign counterpart status (optional)
- Average turnaround time of 2 weeks
Click here for a sample enhanced patent valuation.
Comprehensive Patent Valuation
For $3,000, you will receive a comprehensive analysis and report that is written by a senior licensing/patent brokerage expert. It provides a detailed, in-depth analysis that includes all elements in the Base and Enhanced packages plus:
- Applicable market coverage
- Key players in market
- Technology and product review
- Relevant potential licensees
- Market litigation analysis
- Comparable valuation analysis
- Subject Expert Analysis and Summary
- Foreign counterpart status of 2 patents
- Average turnaround time of 3 weeks
- Please email Justin@IPApproach.com to receive a sample of the Comprehensive package.
Company Product Patented Technology Valuation
Companies that have Patented Technology as their core asset, often approach us to determine their Company Product Market Valuation. The main product of a company is often built from a unique Patented Technology. Utilizing a Market approach methodology, and assumptions driven by the business revenues, profits, future growth opportunity, competitive environment, and the advantages and leverages of the Patented Technology, a Company Product Valuation price is provided.
For $3,500, you will receive a report that gives you a current market valuation and provides a low- and high-value estimate for your Company Product Patented Technology. A senior licensing and brokerage IP expert provides a market approach valuation taking into account several product and patented technology value metrics:
- Forward and Reverse References
- Number of Claims, Length of the Claims
- Independent Claims and Claim Strength
- Foreign Counterpart Status
- Patent Market and Technology Score
- Opinion of the overall Patented Technology Strength
- Patent Commercial Score
- Current/Potential Commercial use of Patented Technology
- Key Players in Market
- Market Analysis – Applicable Market Coverage
- Relevant Potential Licensees
- Subject Expert Analysis and Summary
Average turnaround time of 3 weeks.
Please email Justin@IPApproach.com to receive a sample of the Company Product Patented Technology Valuation.