“Interface Design for Initiating Internet and Network Messaging and Data Transfer”
IPApproach, LLC is pleased to present the exclusive patents for sale “Lead Generating Hub” which includes U.S. patent US 9,152,946 B2 and US patent application US 20160140168 A1 assigned to Mg Technologies LLC. The IP relates to system and method for a lead generating hub which have a features like contact relationship management, lead generation, property or real estate browsing and searching, transactions and broker activity tracking.
The technology disclosed provides the following advantages:
- It facilitates a more organized and efficient approach to coordinate activities around a centralized database of contacts.
- It gives greater efficiency in terms of prioritization of tasks performed by user.
- It discover more new business opportunities via side-by-side and bifurcated comparisons.
- It leverages connectivity between contract relationship management functionality and property listing service features.
- It identifies high interrelationship connection between user requirements or assets and opportunities to fulfill those requirements or to transact those assets.
- It generates highly relevance query statement based on the plurality of parameters and the complementary activity.
- It gives more accurate comparison between the lead match rating and a threshold value to generate a lead notification.
The lead generation solution market is estimated to grow from USD 3.10 billion in 2021 to USD 9.59 billion by 2028, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.5% during the forecast period.
Please contact Justin Ehrlickman via email at justin@ipapproach.com or phone at 845-558-7901 to receive a Brokerage Marketing Package.

“Interface Design for Initiating Internet and Network Messaging and Data Transfer”
IPApproach LLC is pleased to present the exclusive patents for sale “Unified computing device interface for assembly of a plurality of types of digital content for transmission to a plurality of target destinations” which includes granted Patents US 10,019,133B1, US 10,454,858 B2, & US 10,819,669 B2, and Application 20,210,072,881 A1currently pending, assigned to Charles Russell McNeill.The IP relates to a method, computer program interface design for initiating internet and network messaging and data transfer. The technology disclosed provides the following advantages:
- The interface offers intuitiveness and ease-of-use while enabling highly configurable transmission of information for purposes of communication, data storage or data processing.
- The interface generates a universal message content assembly window enabling a broad range of message and other input data types to be transmitted to either one or multiple destinations or recipients.
- Provides a system for accounting for not only differing content limitations but also the metadata input requirements of different communications services, by prompting user to modify non-compliant content and/or provide known information input requirements according to the particular target destinations chosen.
- The interface could be implemented in mobile touchscreen devices such as phones and tablets, in kiosks and specialized data collection and communication devices with a graphic display, and in standard desktop computers using any form of cursor control.
- Icons representing target destinations for transmission are configurable to correspond to both standard communications applications and also for specialized data portal communications.
- The ultimate result of the transmission action will be a message of confirmation of actions.
Please contact Justin Ehrlickman via email at justin@ipapproach.com or phone at 845-558-7901 to receive a Brokerage Marketing Package.

IPApproach LLC is pleased to present the exclusive patents for sale “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL ELECTRIC PROTECTION FOR COMPUTERS AGAINST MALICIOUS PROGRAMS THAT MAY STEAL INFORMATION AND/OR CAUSE DAMAGES” which includes U.S. granted patent US 9,213,836 B2 and granted United Kingdom patent GB 2411748 B assigned to Yaron Mayer. The present invention refers to a security system for computerized devices. A security system for computers to protect against all kinds of malicious programs that may steal information and/or cause damages, including for example, changes of data, deletion of data, interfering with function, and so on.
The technology disclosed provides the following advantages,
- Gives the user more information about malicious program that would normally occur without his/her knowledge.
- Monitoring and intercepting and possibly logging all unauthorized and/or suspect activities in the computer and asking for authorization or guidance when required.
- Defines preferably comprehensive yet parsimonic set of rules of appropriate behavior of software so that the system can identify and intercept immediately programs that may be performing or trying to perform suspicious or detrimental or potentially dangerous activities or not behaving as usual.
- Constantly monitoring the security-sensitive elements of the computer system, preferably including all relevant peripheral device activities, and especially storage devices and communication devices.
- Warns the user and request for authorization for security-sensitive activities and especially any first-time attempts to access communication channels.
The cyber security market size was valued at $104.60 billion in 2017 and is projected to reach $258.99 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2018 to 2025.
Please contact Justin Ehrlickman via email at justin@ipapproach.com or phone at 845-558-7901 to receive a Brokerage Marketing Package.

“Method for Authenticating Electronic Documents"
IPApproach LLC is pleased to present the exclusive patents for sale “METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS” which includes U.S. Patents US 6963971 B1 and US 7676674 B2, assigned to Ascuitto Nancy. The IP relates to authenticating electronic documents and in particular to a method that registers proof of the exact content of electronic documents and provides for the establishment of an evidence trail.
The technology disclosed provides the following advantages:
- Provides the sender with proof that the intended recipient received the document.
- Provides an evidence trail in the event of a dispute between sender and recipient over message content and timing.
- Recipient is provided with the ability/choice to refuse acceptance of an authenticated message.
- Users need not to purchase special equipment. Any user with a computer and a modem should be able to use the system, no matter what the platform.
- With the abstracts on record neither party can alter their copy of the plaintext document without detection, leaving no basis for a dispute over the content of the document.
Please contact Justin Ehrlickman via email at justin@ipapproach.com or phone at 845-558-7901 to receive a Brokerage Marketing Package.

IPApproach has patents for sale in the following categories:
Automotive & Vehicles & Trailers
Biometrics & Touch Screen
Consumer - Electrical
Consumer - Other
Data Management
Delivery & Routes
Display and Imaging
Internet of Things (IOT)
Mobile & Telecommunications
Office Furniture / Equipment
Semiconductor and Packaging
Social Media
Tools & Brackets
Other - TransactionsIP